Digital repository of KAZGUU University

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* (1)
artificial intelligence; judicial independence; AI in courts; digital courts; independence of courts (1)
competition law; antitrust; antimonopoly law; objectives; public interest; economic objectives; competition enforcement; development; growth; innovation; distribution (1)
copyright, copyright infringement, peer-to-peer technology, illegal file sharing, internet service provider, user, server, downloading, BitTorrent, internet protocol address (1)
Criminal law; general principles of criminal law; principle of human- ity; excuses and justifications; right to a fair trial; criminal responsibility; criminal punishment; Criminal Code; Kazakhstan; Uzbekistan (1)
epistemology, social theory, the concept of law, theory of complex phenomena, spontaneous order, English common law, liberalism, theory of distributed knowledge, Friedrich Hayek (1)
Federal Republic of Germany; environmental protection; biodiversity; climate change; agricultural land use in Germany; agricultural act; German basic law; principles of ‘good professional practice’; education and training; preventive controls (1)
Green production; System dynamics; Knowledge pedigree; Regulation; Law system; Cleaner production; Environmental problems; Environmental protection; Feedback loop; Environmental taxation system (1)
inclusive legal positivism; normative prescriptions; moral foundations of law; moral obligations; judicial practice; judicial discretion; W. Waluchow, K. Himma (1)
Indo-Pacific, Asia-Pacific, international law, linguistics, interdisciplinary studies (1)