Digital repository of KAZGUU University

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1. MNU Schools: Recent submissions

  • Akhmerova, R.; Kenshinbayeva, A.; Toktamyssova, A. (M. S. Narikbayev KAZGUU University School of Liberal Arts, 2023-05)
    Due to the increased popularity of Multilingualism both worldwide and in Kazakhstan, scholars have become more interested in researching Multilinguals’ experiences and beliefs on certain multilingual practices, namely ...
  • Aibulat, A.; Askarova, K.; Bagysbayeva, D.; Iliyassova, K. (M. S. Narikbayev KAZGUU University School of Liberal Arts, 2023-05-31)
    In this graduation thesis research on the implementation of idioms in foreign language teaching involved students with basic English proficiency and students specializing in applied linguistics and translation studies. ...
  • Aikenov, D.; Eslyan, R.; Akyltaev, A. (M. S. Narikbayev KAZGUU University School of Liberal Arts, 2023-05-31)
    Euphemisms are one of the most common language means that are used constantly. The purpose of this research was to investigate the topic of euphemisms and develop our own dictionary based on the information that has ...
  • Kalybek, A.; Ortykova, D.; Shayakhmetova, M. (M. S. Narikbayev KAZGUU University School of Liberal Arts, 2023-05)
    The topic of multilingualism in Kazakhstan has a complex and intricate nature, which affects the lives and the education process of the Kazakhstani students. The purpose of this research lies in exploring the language ...
  • Ударцев, С.Ф. (Заң ғылымдарының докторы, профессор, конституциялық, халықаралық құқық және кеден ісі кафедрасының меңгерушісі, РЖҒА академигі К.К. Айтхожиннің 70 жылдығына арналған «Заманауи жағдайдағы мемлекет пен құқықтың өзекті мәселелері» тақырыбында халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференцияның МАТЕРИАЛДАРЫ = МАТЕРИАЛЫ международной научно-практической конференции на тему: «Актуальные проблемы государства и права в современных условиях», посвященной 70-летию доктора юридических наук, профессора, заведующего кафедрой конституционного, международного права и таможенного дела, академика РАЕН Айтхожина К.К. = MATERIALS International scientific practical conference on the topic: «Current problems of state and law in modern conditions», dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Constitutional, International Law and Customs Affairs, Academician of the RANS Aitkhozhin K.K. г. Алматы, 2023)
  • Ахмади, М.; Жұмағали, А. (Егемен Qazaqstan, 2023-08-28)
  • Ударцев, С.Ф. (ИДЕИ К.Э. ЦИОЛКОВСКОГО В ТЕОРИЯХ ОСВОЕНИЯ КОСМОСА. Материалы 58-х Научных чтений, посвященных разработке научного наследия и развитию идей К.Э. Циолковского. В двух частях. Часть 2. Калуга, 2023)
    Вероятной версией эволюции человечества в контексте освоения космоса, представляется интеграция естественной природы человека с продуктами его научно-технического и технологического развития, искусственным интеллектом ...
  • Ударцев, С.Ф. (Международная научно-практическая конференция «Внедрение Конституционного Суда в Казахстане – важный шаг в построении справедливого и правового государства» Академия адвокатуры. Астана, 2022-12-19)
  • Sarsenbayeva, A.; Makarikhina, I. (E3S Web of Conferences 210, 22010, 2020)
    Globalisation is a controversial issue in education in terms of its positive or negative impact. The given article presents the review of the existing literature with regard to the benefits that globalization brought to ...
  • Musabayeva, A.; Uasheva, A.; Rakisheva, A. (3RD CYPRUS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (CY-ICER 2014), 2014)
    This article investigates the causes of social orphanhood due to the increasing number of abandoned and neglected children. The article focuses on studying the influence of personal factors on social orphanhood, namely ...
  • Saidarifov, Kh.; Kairkenova, D.; Yermekov, Ch. (Maqsut Naribayev University International School of Economics, 2023)
    The purpose of this study is to determine how well Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) work in assessing and enhancing the performance of UK public sector organizations. The study investigates the effectiveness of KPIs ...
  • Eskazy, A.; Karimova, A.; Orazbayeva, K.; Turmanova, N.; Zhamukanova, A. (Maqsut Naribayev University International School of Economics, 2023)
    Today, banking assets account for ½ of Kazakhstan's GDP. Looking at economic stability and sustainability, the banking system plays a key role. This thesis examines one of Kazakhstan's leading banks, Fortebank, and ...
  • Sagynganov, N.B. (Maqsut Naribayev University International School of Economics, 2023)
    One of the most intricate and destructive conflicts of the twenty-first century has been the Syrian Civil War, which started in 2011. Millions of people have been displaced, hundreds of thousands of people have died, ...
  • Ibatov, N.; Chinchalinov, K.; Karim, B. (Maqsut Naribayev University International School of Economics, 2023)
    The development of electric vehicles (EVs) has become a crucial aspect of sustainable transportation systems and greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategy. This research delves into identifying and analyzing factors ...
  • Abdisattar, B.N.; Amirbek, A.Zh.; Kairullin, T.K. (2023)
    This study examines the economic growth of countries from 2006 to 2018. It is a result of sustainable and intensive development of production, technology, and improvement of living conditions in the country. The main ...
  • Abdrakhmanova, D.A.; Alash, A.A.; Kaliyeva, A.K.; Zhakupova, A.R. (Maqsut Naribayev University International School of Economics, 2023)
    The current diploma research work examines the crisis/risk management and contingency planning competences as well as effectiveness among the Kazakhstani enterprises. The mixed research methodology including quantitative ...
  • Adilgazieva, A.; Zhamanguzovera, A.; Zhussipaliyeva, Sh.; Kuanysheva, S. (Maqsut Naribayev University International School of Economics, 2023)
    This work is devoted to the study of brand archetypes and their use in the marketing strategies of companies in Kazakhstan. A literature review was conducted on what archetypes are, their use in marketing, as well as ...
  • Abdigali, М.; Baiguzhina, М.; Krasnykh, М.; Kadyrbay, Y.; Kuandyk, D. (Maqsut Naribayev University International School of Economics, 2023)
  • Aitkali, T.; Mamatayeva, D.; Temirbulatova, A. (Maqsut Naribayev University International School of Economics, 2023)
    This paper aims to provide an academic analysis of the Impact of general economic indicators on Net migration of the Central Asian countries and Russia. It examines fixed and random effects models by using panel data ...