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international law, public international law, international agreement, peace, peace treaty, peace agreement, peace-making, sources of law, sources of international law, law of treaties (1)
international law, state sovereignty, use of force, armed non-state actors, collec- tive security, self-defense, effective control, customary international law, modern conflicts, global security (1)
law, digital technologies, digitalization, behavioral economics, antitrust law, abuse of dominance, consumer rights, behavioral antitrust, cognitive errors (1)
mental health services, patient, health professionals, compulsory treatment, right for information, right for consent, voluntary treatment, non-discrimination (1)
naturalistic theory of morality, victim blaming, violence, moral responsi bility, archaic societies, mythology, Peter Strawson (1)
Russian legal realism, realistic jurisprudence, philosophy of law, sociology of law, psychological theory of law, L. Petrażycki, modern Russian jurisprudence (1)
Shanghai Cooperation Organization, security, counteraction to extremism, humanitarian cooperation, human rights, mutual trade, SCO platform, fight against terrorism, legislation, mutual action (1)
transnational judicial dialogue; national courts; international courts; in- ternational rule of law; international law; judicialization of world politics; global con- stitutionalism; international human rights law (1)
автономные системы оружия летального действия (АСОЛД), автономный, искусственный интеллект, разоружение, оружие, значимый человеческий контроль, ООН, международное право, Группа правительственных экспертов (ГПЭ), Конвенция о негуманном оружии (КНО) (1)
административное право, административные процедуры, правовая защита (1)