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MAQSUT NARIKBAYEV UNIVERSITY Repository: Recent submissions

  • Babajanyan, Y.L.; Kutenko, L.F.; Voznyak, O.A.; Shayakhmetova, Y.A.; Murzakhmetova, G.B.; Zhurunova, M.K.; Kozhantayeva, Zh.K.; Syzdykova, G.A. (Life Science Journal 11(6s), 419 - 422, 2014)
    This article examines the legal nature and content of some special testamentary dispositions, which assign to the heirs certain duties, entailing change in the total value of inherited property, or non-property ...
  • Voznyak, O.A.; Babajanyan, Y.L. (World Applied Sciences Journal 30 (10), 1376-1379, 2014)
    The present article deals with comparative analysis of criminal liability for sexual offence against juveniles under the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and some foreign countries. The article provides statistical data ...
  • Syzdykov, A.; Sarsenova, S.; Babajanyan, Y.; Voznyak, O.; Bexultanova, R.; Kudiyarova, U.; Dautbaeva-Mukhtarova, A. (IEJME — MATHEMATICS EDUCATION, Vol. 11, No. 7, 2187-2193, 2016-06-09)
    The political process developing includes any actions to implement governance of people, community and public affairs. This article contains a historic review of political system formation, and identifies its elements. ...
  • Karipova, A.; Voznyak, O.; Babajanyan, Y.; Serikbayev, A.; Kozhantayeva, Zh. (International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, Vol. 11, No. 11, 4790-4800, 2016-06-29)
    The objective of the study is to draw an analogy with the criminological aspects of unemployed migrants’ delinquency in Astana and Almaty, based on the example of the criminal US cities, to develop a solution on the basis ...
  • Berdiyarova, Zh.; Serikbekova, S.; Babajanyan, Y. (International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, Vol. 11, No. 11, 4801-4811, 2016-06-23)
    The purpose of this research is to examine the legal problems of ensuring the right to work of citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan and to find the conformity of labor laws in the Republic of Kazakhstan to international ...
  • Botagariev, T.; Kubieva, S.; Mambetov, N.; Zherkechbaeva, G.; Suleimenova, Z.; Zhetimekov, Y.; Gabdullin, A.; Azamatova, Zh. (Astra Salvensis, Vol. VI, no.11 pp. 517 – 534, 2018)
    This article determines factors and ways to improve the physical education of the first and second year female students. The data on the female students' health show the low body mass index, Erismann index, and other ...
  • Ismailova, G.; Mamanova, A.; Aypova, G.; Begaliyeva, N.; Konyrbayeva, S.; Sultanbek, M. (Determining professional mobility levels of secondary school teachers, International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 8(3), 39-45., 2020-12-08)
    Education has a great share in the development of a country. Countries that invest in education are developing in all respects. There are many factors that affect education, but the most important of them ...
  • Uasheva, A.K.; Buharova, A.B.; Ayazbayeva, A.T.; Isahova, G.D. (International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(S3) 210-216, 2016)
    This paper is devoted to the study of social orphancy reasons and growing number of abandoned children. Authors stress on personal factors affecting abandonment by mothers. Urgency of that issue is caused by the need for ...
  • Avazbakieva, F.R. (Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 16 (8), 1161-1169, 2013)
    This article explores adjectives in Tatar, Russian and English languages, which contain characteristics on the level of politeness. Until now this lexico-semantic group has not attracted the attention of researchers of ...
  • Bistrova, J.; Lace, N.; Atygayeva, Z. (WMSCI 2015 - 19th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, ProceedingsТом 1, Страницы 39 - 442015 19th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, WMSCI, Orlando12 July -15 July, 2015)
    Neoclassical economic theory states that the growth of the nation primarily is dependent on the innovation potential of the country. However, this theory is often being refuted by the recent empirical research, proving ...
  • Assylbekova, A.; Nurasheva, B.; Syzdykova, G.; Babajanyan, Y. (World Applied Sciences Journal 29 (4), 589-591, 2014)
    In modern period in condition of strong sharpening of feelings due to the national dignity cause occurring on it different sized conflicts and other unpleasant events, special actuality in citizen legal procedure get the ...
  • Dautbayeva-Mukhtarova, E.; Askarova, A.O.; Suleymenova, S.Z. (Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 14 (4), 502-507, 2013)
    This paper is to study the civil regulation of private non-property rights in the field of chemical safety as one of the most problem sectors of technological security due to increasing number of technogeneous disasters. ...
  • Ashimova, Z.S. (Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 22 (11), 1726-1731, 2014)
    Obligations arising out of the competitive process are clearly civil law concept which is very complex and little-studied by domestic civilists. At the same time, with the development of economic relations the field of ...
  • Dosayeva, A.K. (World Applied Sciences Journal 26 (8), 1107-1111, 2013-11-30)
    The right to file an application for a bankruptcy is the right to initiate and maintain judicial review of the insolvency of the debtor given in the first instance with a view to its resolution essentially. A civil case ...
  • Shaidarova, A.A. (World Applied Sciences Journal 26 (8), 1100-1102, 2013-11-30)
    The paper reveals the need for standards in the Law "On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate" that embodies the goals and objectives of the state registration. In support of this need, the points of view of various ...
  • Kapysheva, A. (World Applied Sciences Journal 26 (8): 1103-1106, 2013-11-30)
  • Seidimbek, A.; Khassenov, M.; Alenov, M. (Access to Justice in Eastern Europe, Том 6 (2), 2023-03-06)
    ackground: This article presents a study of the theoretical and practical aspects of balancing the interests of employers and employees in the context of Kazakhstan and the United States. The core purpose was to develop ...
  • Akylbayeva, I.M.; Malgaraeva, Z.B.; Umirzakova, L.A. (World Applied Sciences Journal, Том 22 (5), 718 - 722, 2013)
    This article is dedicated upon a problem of interethnic conflict, its uprising sources. The authors evaluate a level of conflict capacity of Kazakhstani society on the basis of ethnic processes analysis as well as a ...
  • Akylbayeva, I.M.; Malgarayeva, Z.B.; Kussainova, Z.D.; Amanzholuly, S.K.; Umirzakova, L.A.; Kalenova, T.S.; Zharkenova, A.M.; Tlebaldiyeva, M.D. (Life Science Journal 2014;11(1s), 202-206, 2014)
    This paper is devoted to identifying resources of terrorism spread and its globalization. Authors estimate the spread of terrorism on the basis of application of scientists’ theoretical research, analysis of statistical ...
  • Malgarayeva, Z.; Akylbayeva, I.; Mukhlissov, N.; Tairova:, B. (Annales-Anali za Istrske inMediteranske Studije - Series Historia et Sociologia Том 26, Выпуск 4, Страницы 779 - 788, 2016-06-30)
    The aim of this study is the analysis of poly-ethnicity as an objective factor of the modern political processes, as well as the attempt to create a typology of formation of poly-ethnicity, as this issue is important for ...