Жоғары Гуманитарлық Мектебінің магистерлік диссертацияларының
қорытындылары мен ұсыныстары жинағына 2024 жыл түлектерінен
«Аударма ісі», «Қолданбалы лингвистика», «Консультативті психология»
білім беру бағдарламалары ...
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған жоғары гуманитарлық мектебінің дипломдық
жобалары/ жұмыстары бойынша қорытындылар мен ұсыныстар жинағы.
Collection of conclusions and recommendations of diploma projects/works of the
school ...
A theoretical perspective on grandiose narcissism suggests four forms of it (sanctity, admiration, heroism, rivalry) and states that these forms conduce to different ways of thinking and acting. Guided by this perspective, ...
The original version of this Article contained an error in Affiliation 27, which was ncorrectly given as ‘University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus’. The correct Affiliation is listed below: University of Cyprus, Nicosia, ...
Aldiyarova, Zh.; Tutinova, N.; Seifullina, G.; Zatov, K.; Bagasharov, K.; Mussabekov, M.(Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization (JITC), Volume 13, Issue 1, 2023-06-20)
The current study analyzed the specifics of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Federation of
Malaysia keeping in view the relationship between religion and state. For Kazakhstan, which has a
multi-confessional and ...
In article the linguistic aspect of formation of students research culture as purposeful process of
realization of potential possibilities locates in linguistic development and transformation of the scientific world,
proceeding ...
In article need of increase of efficiency of vocational training of students in the tideway of a tendency of
development of modern pedagogical activity and professional education (transition to multilevel education, a ...
This article examines the specifics of the urban space formation in Northern Kazakhstan, which at the
turn of the 19th and 20th centuries was part of the Steppe Governorate General. The authors explored the
processes of ...
This article examines the specifics of the urban space formation in Northern Kazakhstan, which at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries was part of the Steppe Governorate General. The authors explored the processes of ...
City and urban environment as a multifunctional space play an important role in creation of social
processes. Since it’s formation the city has become the focal point for innovations and a place where ideas are
generated ...
This article deals with the statutory regulation of entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan during the period of formation and gaining independence. Chronological framework of the research covers the period ...
This article is dedicated upon a problem of interethnic conflict, its uprising sources. The authors
evaluate a level of conflict capacity of Kazakhstani society on the basis of ethnic processes analysis as well
as a ...
Kuchumova, G.Zh.; Toleubayeva, A.M.; Beisenova, Zh.S.(Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 5 No. 4, 573 - 577, 2014-03)
Text is difficult to study because it is a psychological phenomenon, one that intimately associated with other aspects of
psychological structure. That is, the purpose of this article is to shed some light on the nature ...
This article explores the employment experiences of government
scholarship graduates from one master’s degree programme at a
flagship university in Kazakhstan. Analysis of interviews with
graduates of a master’s degree ...
This article describes specific nature of discipline-specific term motivation in various languages. However, the issue on evolution and development tendencies of special veterinary vocabulary in the Russian and Kazakh ...
Abylaiuly, A.; Ibraeva, A.B.(Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 17 (1), 84-90, 2013)
The article analyzes the international norms of recognition of higher education qualifications, their
application sphere and the role of UNESCO in organizing of cooperation of states in recognition of foreign
diplomas. ...
The given article considers issues of realization double-diploma education in Kazakhstan.
In particular, the authors review the aspects connected with the differences of legislative norms concerning
Higher Education and ...
In article the linguistic aspect of formation of students research culture as purposeful process of
realization of potential possibilities locates in linguistic development and transformation of the scientific world,
proceeding ...
Yemelyanova, Y.V.; Avazbakiyeva, F.R.; Ibrayeva, A.B.; Aikenova, A.Zh.(International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(S3) 9-16, 2016)
English for specific purposes (ESP) constitutes the minority of courses in the English language disciplines at Kazakhstani Universities. Among possible
explanations are that it is costly, time consuming and an intellectually ...
Рассматривается академическая мобильность студентов и преподавателей в Казахстане. Особое внимание уделено проблемам двудипломного образования. Анализируется законодательные нормы высшего образования и признания
ученых ...